Date: Saturday June 3, 2023
Time: 9:30 to 4:00
Location: Lou Mansur’s Wood Shop, West Knoxville TN
Instructor: Lou Mansur and Ron Clayton
Cost: About $20 for Lunch
Materials to Bring: A dull chisel &/or plane blade and card scraper (if you have); note book and pencil; safety glasses.
The class will cover sharpening plane blades, chisels, and scrapers. Other tools may be touched upon if they come up in discussion or if there are questions. The large differences in effort and results when using sharp vs dull tools are shown. We cover the principles to keep in mind to get a good result, e.g. sharpening methods, types of stones & abrasives as well as how to avoid common pitfalls. Recommendations are made on what is needed in a sharpening kit to achieve fine results. The nomenclature for abrasives you may encounter when buying sharpening stones can be convoluted and confusing will be clarified.
Note: this class is full. If you wish to attend your name will be added to a wait list. Usually one or two students cancel because of a conflict that arises. Also, if a sufficient number of additional students want the class, Lou will teach it again on June 17.